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La materia oscura

Measurements in astronomy imply that up to 90% or more of the Universe is in the form of "dark matter". This matter does not emit light or any other detectable radiation, so we cannot "see" it, but its presence is felt through its gravitational effects on the matter we can see. Stars in galaxies, for example, appear to be moving much faster than they would if they were influenced only by the visible matter in the galaxy.

Computer reconstruction of the dark matter mass per area in the cluster CL0024+1654 The gravitational lensing of a distant galaxy due to a foreground cluster of galaxies two billion light years away has allowed the reconstruction of the total mass of the foreground cluster and shows that the dark matter outweighs all the stars in the cluster's galaxies by 250 times. A false-color computer reconstruction of the dark matter mass per area in the cluster CL0024+1654, is here seen in projection. The total mass is over 300 million million million times the mass of the Earth. Individual galaxies in the cluster appear as mass pinnacles. (CREDIT: Greg Kochanski, Ian Dell'Antonio, and Tony Tyson - Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies).

Some of the dark matter may be in the form of large planets or dead stars made from ordinary protons and neutrons. However cosmological theories imply that a large fraction of the dark matter must be of an entirely different form. Whatever its nature, it must be very weakly interacting, otherwise it would already have been detected. One possibility is that the weakly-interacting particles called neutrinos could have a small mass, and make up dark matter, but the behaviour of neutrinos causes problem in theories of how galaxies formed in the Universe.

Another possibility is that dark matter could be in the form of particles predicted by theories, but not yet seen. The idea of "supersymmetry" links matter particles with force-carrying particles, and implies the existence of heavy "superparticles". The lightest of these superparticles could be stable, in which case large numbers of them created in the early Universe could now have clustered into structures of dark matter on the scale of galaxies.

© Copyright CERN - Last modified on 1998-02-19 - Tradotto da Sofia Sabatti